Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Graphic Novelists - Day 46

One very cold night weeks ago, I met John Cassaday at the P&G Bar, his favorite Upper West Side hangout.
John's art, seen most notably in Planetary, Astonishing X-Men, Captain America and I Am Legion, is graphic, bold, and second to none as far as storytelling. Aside from his amazing art, what's interesting about John is his role as art director on Dynamite's Lone Ranger book. So influential is his art that he was hired to create the visual look for that book, and in sense, for much of the publisher's line with his covers for Buck Rogers, Battlefields, The Death Defying Devil, Sherlock Holmes, Dracula and more. I asked him what was upcoming from him, and he teased at some creator-owned stuff and mentioned something about possibly directing films - wow!
John chose the P&G Bar as the location for the shoot because the 66 year old establishment was closing down and moving, and this was it's last week in operation. I'm glad we caught John at his favorite bar before it was too late.



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