LeapingTall Buildings: The Origins of American Comics comes out in bookstores everywhere today. The hardcover book is the culmination of four years of work Seth Kushner and Christopher Irving. Leaping takes the profiles from GRAPHIC NYC and fits them all together in a 240 hardcover with beautiful and bold design by Eric Skillman!
Publisher's Weekly posted a nice interview / article and of the book says, "A new book about the comics industry is nearly as epic as the field’s history itself. Featuring over 50 cartoonists captured in interviews and photos, Christopher Irving and Seth Kushner’s Leaping Tall Buildings The Origin of American Comics, from PowerHouse Books, weaves a narrative about working in the comics field through the eyes of a diverse array of creators, among them cartoonists Al Jaffee, Chris Ware, Jim Shooter, Dan Didio, Jessica Abel, and many more."
Flavorwire says of Leaping: “You may think you know the men and women behind your favorite superheroes, but of course, there’s yet another man behind Clark Kent — his creator.”
Wired.com featured Leaping Tall Buildings, along with interviews with Kushner and Irving and a gallery of images from the book by Kushner, and noted that “Leaping Tall Buildings: The Origins of American Comics gives the writers and artists who create them a chance to shine.”
The Huffington Post featured a gallery of Kushner's photos and says, "A major part of the book is the art of photographer Seth Kushner, who has captured remarkable images of some of the biggest living names in comics."
Be sure to preview some of the Kushner's photos from the book at Photo District News's Photo of the Day gallery, Real Life Comic Book Heroes.